Fidelity staff and clients: We want to hear from you!

If you are a current or former Fidelity employee, we would encourage you to take our survey below.
Climate Votes would like to hear from Fidelity staff members, clients and affiliate organisations to understand what Fidelity employees think about its employer’s sponsorship of US anti-climate lobby group, State Financial Officers Foundation (SFOF).
As an asset manager and as a stewardship service provider, Fidelity has built a reputation as a leader in sustainable investment. Fidelity Investments is a signatory to the Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative, a UN-convened group supporting investing aligned with net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner, and a formal partner of the UNFCCC’s Race to Zero Campaign.
At the same time, Fidelity Investments is among many financial institutions that are “sponsors” or “friends of sponsors” of the State Financial Officers Foundation (SFOF) who have orchestrated a campaign in the US against “woke capitalism” and Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) investment.
SFOF’s coordinated attacks on financial institutions pursuing any form of climate measure appears designed to reduce ambition as fast as possible. So why is Fidelity sponsoring a group whose declared goal is to battle ESG investing and to prolong the shelf life of fossil fuels?
Please complete the survey below: